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  • Based on Ancient astrology texts
  • 10,000+ astrology rules analyzed
  • Based on your birth chart, doshas, dashas and various other parameters

Ask anything, let Agastyaa answer

Agastyaa leverages the power of AI to personalise the astrology experience for you.

Agastyaa can answer all questions related to your life such as relationships, career, education, health and so on.

When will I get married?
Will I study abroad?
Should I start my own business?
Can you analyze the relationship compatibility with my partner?
The making of Agastyaa

Daily predictions to keep you informed

Detailed horoscopes

Daily horoscope delivered straight to you with a dash of insight and a sprinkle of cosmic wisdom. Get a clear picture of what the stars have planned for you, from love to career moves, more than just vibes—it's the universe explained, made easy and fun!"

Your calendar for everything

Your ultimate guide to choosing the most auspicious moments. Whether you're planning a big event, a business deal, or just a fresh start. Navigate life's biggest decisions with ease and precision!


Discover your cosmic connections

Find out how well your stars align with anyone—whether it’s a partner, friend, or even a whole group! Dive into detailed insights on love, friendship, or business relationships, and explore compatibility like never before. From one-on-one comparisons to group dynamics, let Vedic astrology help you make a better decision


Your private AI companion for your private questions

Let’s be real—asking about your love life or career path can be a little awkward. Agastyaa, your AI companion, lets you explore the stars with total privacy and confidence.

Other features on

  • Generate Reports
    Get personalized astrological insights, forecasts, compatibility analysis, and Vedic guidance in one detailed report.
  • Generate your life charts
    Create in-depth, personalized birth charts with insights into life events, relationships,
and Vedic timelines
iOS and Android. Regularly updated
Take it to the bigger screen. Same features. Better experience.
Coming Soon

Frequently asked questions

The horoscopes are based on Vedic astrology principles, using your unique birth chart to provide highly personalized and accurate insights. The more details you provide, the more precise the guidance

The app is currently free to use, with all features accessible at no cost. Future updates may introduce premium options, but the core services will remain available for everyone

Yes, your personal information is completely secure. We prioritize your privacy, and all data is stored safely and used only to provide personalized astrological insights

Our app provides personalized astrological insights, daily horoscopes, birth chart analysis, compatibility checks, and more to help guide you through various aspects of your life.